Articles by Louis Tofari
General Topics
A "Particular" Curiosity of the 1962 Missale Romanum
Why is "1962" a misnomer for the Missale Romanum? Explore some particularities about the Benziger Brothers' USA missal edition.
The Altar Bell: Part 1 (History and Purpose)
The history of the altar bell and why it is rung at certain times during Mass.
The Altar Bell: Part 2 (When to Ring)
When the altar bell should be rung and how many times.
Holy Smoke: The Crux of the Matter
Can blessed incense or a cross be carried in procession for a non-pontifical Mass?
The Electric Burner: A Thurifer's Best Friend
Learn an easy way to effectively light charcoals every time!
Some rules about the biretta during non-Eucharistic processions and funerary rites.
Why are customary kisses given during Mass and when are they omitted?
This principle exemplifies the romanitas characteristic of logic.
Eucharistic Processions: Some Common Issues
A brief treatise on Blessed Sacrament processions and some related issues.
St. Saturninus and Some Curiosities of the Roman Missal
The first saint's calendar entry in the Proprium Sanctorum section of the altar missal is of St. Saturninus which includes some interesting points.
How to Clean a Thurible: A Brief Tutorial
Cleaning a thurible is often considered as an unenviable sacristy task and a “necessary evil”.
Two articles about the Dialogue Mass and many liturgical misconceptions often associated with it.
Can a Sister be the Sacristan in a Parish Church?
It has been asserted that a female religious cannot be a sacristan in a parish church.
Discourses on Solemn Mass
An informative series of articles about the Solemn form of the Roman Mass begun for the Angelus Press blog circa 2016:
The Ministers of Solemn Mass: Part I
The Vesture of the Ministers:
Part II Part III Part IV Part V
Seasonal Topics
Per annum
When is the Traditional Friday Abstinence Rule Dispensed?
A frequent question is when a I or II Class Feast (or Octave Day) falls on a Friday is the traditional rule to abstain still observed?
How to Serve an Ember Day Low Mass
Some helpful tips for how (and why) to serve a Low Mass on an Ember Day.
Reckoning the September Ember Days
What date is used to reckon the Ember Days of September per the 1962 calendar?
Feast of St. Pius X: Patron of the Liturgy
Highlights of St. Pius X's liturgical reforms and some interesting links about him.
Should an Advent Wreath be in the sanctuary?
Some considerations about the Advent Wreath in the sanctuary.
Brief explanation and videos about "O Antiphons" of Advent.
Some info about the Advent Ember Days, their intentions and significance for Christmas preparation.
Subdued Joy for Gaudete Sunday
About the Roman custom of rose vestments, and the liturgical tone of subdued joy.
Some Extra-Liturgical Practices of Christmas
A description about some practices seen in relation to the Christmas Day Masses.
Does this stanza from The Twelve Days of Christmas contain a hidden reference to the Blessed Sacrament?
Holy Week and Easter
"Should I Genuflect?" What to Do During the Sacred Triduum
Discover the reasons behind the types of reverences made during the Sacred Triduum.
The Traditional Lenten Fast: When Does it End on the Easter Vigil?
Every Holy Saturday the question arises: does the traditional fast of Lent end at noon or midnight?
Paschal Candle: History, Symbolism and Restoration
Learn about the central importance of the Paschal Candle during the Easter Vigil rites.