About Louis Tofari
Louis J. Tofari is an author, instructor, speaker, and consultant on liturgical matters of the traditional Roman Rite.
In addition to his extensive ceremonial experience, he is also a publisher and has a background in liturgical printing.
Mr. Tofari was also instrumental in the revival of the traditional form of the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen.
Outlined below is a brief resume of his extensive work and experience over the last 20 years.
See the Testimonies page for what others have to say about Louis Tofari's work and expertise.

Writer and Researcher
Author on liturgical matters (e.g., General Principles of the Ceremonies)
Contributing writer for various publications and online venues
Researcher and compiler of ceremonial notes
Possessor of an extensive rubrical library
Developer of training resources (e.g., Server's Mass Response Card)
Instructor and Speaker
Provided on-site training for servers, sacristans, and clergy
Hosted instructional seminars and conferences for servers, MCs, and women's altar sodalities
Prepared trainers to teach serving positions and ceremonies
Taught ceremonies in religious formative curriculum (1996-1998)
Radio show host of Learning About the Roman Liturgy (LARL)
Consultant on Liturgical Matters
Provided assistance and advice about:
- rubrics and liturgical law
- sanctuary design and appointments
- sacristy organization
- church architecture aspects and prescriptions (e.g., review of drawings)
- material requisites (vestments, sacred vessels, etc.)
Referenced for suppliers, manufactures and restorers of liturgical materials
Designed and assisted with altar construction and other church items
Master of Ceremonies
Extensive ceremonial experience as MC includes special rites and Pontifical functions (e.g., church dedication, consecration of altar, and ordinations)
Publisher and Liturgical Printing
Advised, collaborated or assisted with the following publishers:
Fraternity of St. Peter
Designed and printed a USA Feasts Supplement for their Missale Romanum reprints (medium and travel sizes)
Angelus Press
Visitor at Mass
Sacramentary insert for Priests' Mass DVD Kit
Preserving Christian Publications
Reprint manager during a freelance tenure for these projects:
The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy (composed dust jacket biography)
The Sources of Catholic Dogma (Denzinger)
A Commentary on the Book of Psalms (composed dust jacket biography)
Canons Regular of St. John Cantius
Ritus Servandus (compiling and printing errata sheet)
Liturgical Typography and Publishing
Expertise in various aspects of liturgical printing and typography (type faces and layout)
Reprinted several liturgically-related books and printed items:
- Benziger Brothers' 1962 Missale Romanum (this project required specialized knowledge about liturgical binding and other manufacturing details)
- Learning the Mass: A Guide for Priests and Seminarians
- Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal
Designed and printed other related items, such as:
- Supplement of feasts proper to USA for 1962 Pustet Missale Romanum
- Compiled and designed Benziger missal's Table of Moveable Feasts (Tabella) supplement (updated to 2067 AD)
- Altar, Sacristy, Confessional and Leonine Prayers cards
- Cards to aid (novice) celebrant during Mass and Communion Rite
- Ritual booklets (e.g., Rite of Betrothal)
Initiated importation of liturgical items into United States from Europe, such as:
- Versus Psalmorum
- Pustet Missale Romanum (standard and travel sizes)
- Altar and sanctuary cards (Asperges, Confiteor, Intonation)
Ambassador for the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
Assisted with introduction of Guild of St. Stephen in United States (1996)
Acted as National Secretary for Guild chapters in USA (1996-2006)
Procured and supplied Guild materials
Designed and printed various Guild items
Oversaw formation of chapters throughout the world
Founder, editor, writer and publisher of The Acolyte magazine (1998)
Reprinted The Altar Servers' Handbook
Founding president of several chapters

Imposing incense before the Eucharistic Procession

Teaching future MCs how to give the incense spoon to the celebrant

The first signature of the Benziger Brothers Roman Missal reprint project

As Chapter President, assisting with enrollment of Junior Acolytes into the Guild of St. Stephen

Giving a conference to a women's altar and rosary society about altar linens

A special Votive Mass of St. Stephen held for a Senior Acolyte Day of Recollection

Explaining the development and layout of the Roman Missal during an MC seminar

Explaining and practicing with MCs-in-training how to confidently assist at the missal

Teaching about the history, use, preparation, associated prayers and symbolism of the sacred vestments

Louis Tofari hosts a weekly radio show at Magnificat Media -- click the link to listen to previous broadcasts

Inducting servers into the St. Stephen's Guild

The Tabella Temporaria Festorum Mobilium that Mr. Tofari developed for the Benziger missal reprint

Over 1000 candles are lit to honor Christ, Light of the Word. Mr. Tofari was instrumental in originating this unique practice and of designing the special chandeliers

Giving a historical and architectural tour to the Historic Kansas City Foundation

An altar and canopy designed and constructed by Louis Tofari.

MCing a Solemn Mass