About Romanitas Press
Románitas [roh-máh-nee-tahs]
A Latin term referring to the concept of "being Roman" or to do things "as the Romans".
Romanitas Press LLC was founded by Louis Tofari to provide a variety of resources for the traditional Roman Liturgy (aka, the Latin Tridentine Mass), such as:
ceremonial notes
training materials
audio-visual media
Louis Tofari also offers training and consultative services:
servers' and clergy training seminars
conferences on liturgical matters
consultation about rubrics, sacristy, organization and formation of servers, ecclesiastical architecture, etc.
Louis Tofari has over 20 years and a wide range of experience in liturgical matters.
Read the About Louis Tofari page for an outline of his background.
See also the Testimonies page to hear what people have to say about his work.