Choir Latin Webinar
For the traditional Roman Mass
Louis Tofari hosts a 4-week program as a webinar for choir (schola) members to learn the more romano Latin pronunciation for the Kyriale chants of the traditional Roman Mass:
Various responses made
Sanctus (and Requiem alteration)
Agnus Dei (and Requiem alteration)
This unique course of 8 sessions consists of presentation slides and integrates explanations on:
Liturgical Latin (more romano) and pronunciation basics.
Gregorian chant (its nature, history and how it should sound) and patrons of sacred music.
Historical and spiritual background of the Kyriale parts.
Liturgical gestures (Sign of the Cross) and reverences (bows) associated with the chants.
Homework exercises are also assigned between classes.
This well-rounded course utilizes the +25-years experience of Louis Tofari in teaching the acolyte's Latin responses with innovative training techniques.
In this way, the student learns not only how and when to say the chants, but why, thereby appreciating the profound significance of these prayers used in the highest act of Catholic worship, the Mass.
Curriculum schedule
The next 4-week curriculum (8 sessions) will be hosted:
Can't make these times due to your schedule?
No worries! The sessions are video-recorded and available for those unable to attend a live class, or for review by those who attended the live session.
Pricing (Single and Group Rates)
The rate for a Single Subscriber is $95.00
(the required materials below need to be purchased separately).
Book a Single Subscriber: $95.00
Group rates are available for 2 or more subscribers in a household and for parishes. Contact us for details.
Required materials
These items are required for the webinar and have been included for the Single Subscriber fee:
Optional materials
Here are some other useful items for altar servers:
The Mass: Up-Close in Pictures (helps with learning the parts of the Mass) [$12.50]
The General Principles of Ceremonies of the Roman Rite (For Inferior Ministers) (explains how/when to make the liturgical gestures and reverences) [$13.75]
Coaching/testing and certification
After the 4-week curriculum, independent coaching/testing sessions are offered to students; this is actually a form of one-on-one training and so an extension of the sessions.
Upon passing the oral test 100%, a certificate of completion will be provided.
Conditions and requirements
These webinars are primarily for Roman Catholic men and boys (from age 7 or higher), but women who want to learn these responses may also attend.
Subscribers should be proficient in cursive, or at least have the ability to write. They will need access to pen and paper, a lay missal, Bible, and an MP3 player.
Due to the 4-week curriculum length, session dates are tentative. If required, a session will be rescheduled.
Subscribers will need an electronic device fully enabled with audio, microphone, and display. Zoom’s screen-sharing mode will be utilized for the presentation slides.
Each session will be video-recorded and the download links shared with subscribers.
In general, discussions of ecclesiastical issues or secular politics will be avoided during the sessions.
“I had been trying to get my youth choir to use consistent Latin pronunciation for a year. So happy to have found this webinar! The lectures were always fun and engaging for the youth; they still bring up concepts they learned through the webinar with no prompting as we review pronunciation for the Propers, Ordinary, & other chants in rehearsals. The tidbits of history were a beautiful touch that helped in further understanding the rich traditions of our Faith, and getting to talk about the differences between singing and speaking Latin was a game changer all around. If you are looking for a fun, fact-filled, and overall phenomenal aid in learning Latin pronunciation, look no further!” Bernadette Boyle
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