2024 Ordo Mobile App

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We are proud to offer the only Ordo for the traditional Roman missal and breviary since 2017 for both Apple and Android devices.
Our unique app for the traditional (1962) Missal and Breviary allows you to consult the Ordo everywhere and without a Wi-Fi/Internet connection after downloading.
The Ordo is an indispensable resource for clergy, sacristans, MCs and even the laity for properly following the daily calendar rules of the traditional Roman Missal and Breviary. This guide automatically applies the general rubrics of the missal and breviary to each liturgical day. So there's no need for you to look up the rubrics yourself!
In publication since 1979, our printed Ordo is not only the most comprehensive edition available for the traditional Missal and Breviary, but also considered by many as the most accurate.
Other useful features of our Ordo include notes as when a Requiem Mass is prohibited, there's a special votive Mass option, and even pulpit announcements related to the liturgical year.
Our app also includes several appendices via a drop-down menu present on every entry page:
Explanation of abbreviations and signs
Excerpts of the Rubrics of the Roman Missal and Breviary
Concurrence/Occurrence table
Diocesan feasts for USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand
We will also be rolling out several new features:
Screen swipe navigation for day-to-day entries
Listing of the proper Diocesan Feasts per country (already enabled for the USA) below the universal daily entry (see the daily entry pic above)