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For the traditional Latin Mass


At checkout 10 or more copies must be purchased for this pricing


This unique card can be used as:


  • an easy training guide for learning or teaching the Latin responses

  • or as a memory aid for the acolyte while serving

The response card has been carefully compiled to ensure its English phonetic rendering conforms with the more romano (liturgical) Latin pronunciation prescribed to be used during sacred functions by Popes St. Pius X, Benedict XV and Pius XI and other authorities.


The card unfolds into four double-sided panels and features:

  • Phonetics aligned under each Latin word (not strung out)

  • Special responses when serving for a bishop

  • Inline instructions for the gestures and reverences made with the responses

  • Helpful cues for the altar server

  • Rules on how the responses should be made

  • List of common pronunciation mistakes made by English-speakers

  • Panels specially arranged so card can be used while serving

  • Easy to read typefaces and layout

  • Black and red text

  • Heavy weight stock to keep card stiff while being held

  • Anti-glare varnish to give the card long life


Convenient 10.75 x 4.25 in folded size (folds out completely to 17 in wide).


Note: This pricing is for 10 or more cards.


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In the 1950’s, when I was in the 3rd grade, I was blessed to become an altar boy and of course learned Ecclesial Latin through the responses at Mass. I served through high school and was able to take Latin classes when there. However, with the advent of the Novus Ordo, my Ecclesial Latin drifted into disuse. Recently I felt a call to return to Ecclesial Latin in my private prayer life and even, as much as I can, in my responses at Mass, of course without disturbing the others around me. Indeed, praying in Latin provides an ability to hear the original words of the prayer without a translator’s interpretation. And, since Latin is the official language of our Church, praying in Latin brings me closer to the heart of our Church. But, I needed some aids to assist me in both pronunciation and grammar to better understand the words I was praying. Through an online search I found the tools from Romanitas Press to do just that. I very much appreciate the ministry and work of the folks at Romanitas Press. Stephen Beyer, Ph.D.


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As a homeschooling mother of 4 boys, I highly value durability and quality when purchasing materials for my children. The Romanitas Press Servers Response Card is the best of the best. I have not found anything comparable on the market. The card stock is thick and will provide us with longevity. I am eager to pass this card down to my boys as they reach the age to serve at Mass.

I was so impressed with this response card that I purchased it for 14 boys who participate in my Catholic homeschool group. Our co-op meets once a week to discuss the history of the Mass, its meaning and how the acolytes ought to dispose themselves as a server. I love being able to utilize this response card to reinforce their proper pronunciation of Latin. Thank you for such a well put together resource. I especially appreciate the phonetic pronunciations. It is very easy to read and to teach. Teresa Prall


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First, please allow me to thank you for the outstanding Server's Mass Responses Card.


I’m 60 years old and a convert to the Church. About a year ago I had the enormous honor of learning to serve at the Altar as an Altar Boy!!! I never dreamed I’d be graced in such a way.


Fortunately, I discovered your Server's Card and it made the memorization and pronunciation so much easier! Plus all the other information on the reverse of the card is so helpful.


I’ve ordered many additional cards to give to fledgling servers. Michael Bohy

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The Server’s Mass Responses Cards are a great resource for traditional Latin Mass altar boys. We have used them for several months at St. Sebastian’s Roman Catholic Church in Akron, Ohio.


The altar boys have become more confident in their Latin responses, and a number of the boys use the cards... to practice at home.


Thank you for all that you do to assist in the celebration of the Tridentine Mass! Matthew Akers

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I love my Server's Mass Responses Card from Romanitas Press! I was in my mid-40s before I began to learn how to say the responses, and this card gave me the confidence to say the responses aloud.


Each Latin word has a corresponding pronunciation guide directly beneath it so that even a beginner can sound like a pro. This handy card is made of a durable material and won't crack or fade with wear and tear.


[And it's not just for altar servers!] Anyone who wants to participate more fully in the Sacrifice of the Mass needs this card. Scott Quinn

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Once in a while, something truly innovative is created—Louis Tofari has innovated the way in which altar servers can learn the Latin responses for the Mass. His "Servers Mass Responses Card" has both simplified the pronunciation and rubrics of serving to a simple formula: if you can read the card, you will learn the Latin and the rubrics.


This fold-out card has everything the server-in-training will need including: all of the responses to be given on the altar with their accompanying phonetic rendering and the rubrics (fittingly printed in red).


When the card is completely unfolded and turned over it contains a complete explanation and tutorial on how Latin should be pronounced in the liturgy. In some examples, it shows you both "how to pronounce" and "how not to pronounce", especially some of the tougher words which can be real tongue-twisters if one is not diligent in reciting every syllable properly.


I highly recommend this card to anyone who is training to be an altar server or an experienced server who might wish to "brush-up" and re-check their pronunciation. It is also great for teachers or anyone assisting a server in learning the proper way to serve.


The card is printed on heavy stock and then coated with a matte varnish which should help the card resist staining and last for years if cared for. The card is priced appropriately and quantity discounts are available so why not buy 10 or 20 for your priest or hand them out to the servers at your church as a token of your appreciation for the noble duty which they are partaking in. Derek Bonnell,

Server's Mass Responses Card (10+)

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