Rubrical References
In addition to the titles offered by Romanitas Press, here is a list of rubrical references cited in various articles on this website.
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The Celebration of Mass: A Study of the Rubrics of the Roman Missal
Rev. J.B. O'Connell (Bruce, 1964)
A comprehensive book by a respected liturgical author. Includes sections on topics such as liturgical law and custom. Offers many details that other rubricians omit. It was the last contemporary manual for the 1962 Missale Romanum. [Reprinted by Preserving Christian Publications]

The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described
Dr. Adrian Fortescue (1962; St. Austin Press, Revised 2007)
The indispensable, all-year round ceremonial book is complete with many helpful diagrams—a standard and must-have for those in English-speaking countries. [Reprinted by St. Michael's Abbey Press; available in USA via Angelus Press]

The Book of Ceremonies
Very Rev. Lawrence O'Connell (Bruce, 1956)
One of the best and detailed ceremonial manuals available in English for ordinary ceremonies. It lists the general principles systematically as no other previous rubrical book (in any language) had. [Presently this can be obtained only secondhand or 1943 edition via Scribd.com]

Manual of Episcopal Ceremonies
Archabbot Aurelius Stehle (Archabbey Press, 1961)
A clear and concise manual outlining the various principles for the individual ministers during pontifical ceremonies. Several charts and diagrams included to assist in describing and preparing the ceremonies. [Reprinted by Preserving Christian Publications]

Ceremonial for the Use of the Catholic Churches in the United States of America
Rev. W. Carroll Milholland, S.S. (H.L. Kilner, 1941)
This manual is also known as The Baltimore Ceremonial. It was originally written by Bishop Joseph Rosati to fulfil the directive of the First Plenary Council of Baltimore (1829) that the churches in the United States should strictly follow the Roman usage for ceremonies. It went through 9 editions, but was eventually superseded by such works as The Book of Ceremonies. [Available only secondhand; 1894 edition available in PDF via Archive.org]

A Manual of Ceremonies of Low Mass
Lester Kuenzel (Pustet, 1924)
A well-regarded guide on how to offer Low Mass written by an official of the Roman Pontifical Academy of Liturgy. The latest English edition (2nd revised) was published in 1924. [Currently available on secondhand; 1920 PDF edition available via Archive.org]

The Sacred Ceremonies of Low Mass
Zualdi-O'Callaghan (Newman Book Shop, 1944)
Another frequently referenced manual on Low Mass authored by Fr. Felix Zualdi, CM and edited by Fr. M. O'Callaghan, CM (both Vincentians). [Currently available only secondhand]

Compendium Sacrae Liturgicae juxta Ritum Romanum
Rev. Innocentius Wapelhorst, O.F.M. (Benziger Brothers, 1931)
A Latin rubrical manual that concisely explains general ceremonies of the Roman Rite. Written by an American Franciscan, it also lists the recognized USA liturgical customs. [Presently this edition can be obtained only secondhand; 1931 edition is available in PDF via Archive.org]

Manuale Sacrarum Caeremoniarum
Msgr. Pio Martinucci, Msgr. Giovanni-Batista Menghini (Pustet, 1911-1915)
The classic source for the Roman Rite and written by a papal master of ceremonies. Revised by Menghini, also a papal master of ceremonies. [Presently this can be obtained only secondhand; 1897 edition is available in PDF via Google Books]

Esposizione delle Sacre Cerimonie
Msgr. Giuseppe Baldeschi, CM (Desclee, 1931)
While this Italian work is considered somewhat obsolete by 20th century rubricians, nevertheless, it revised editions continued to be an important reference. [Presently this can be obtained only secondhand or 1931 edition via Una Voce Italy]
Sacrae Liturgiae Praxis, Juxta Ritum Romanum
P.J.B. De Herdt (Vanlinthout Fratres, 1903)
Under the full title of Sacrae liturgiae praxis, juxta ritum Romanum, in missae celebratione, officii recitatione et sacramentorum administratione servanda, this is an excellent manual in Latin. [Presently available only secondhand; 1877 edition available in PDF via Google Books]

Caeremoniale (Sacra Liturgia)
J.F. Van der Stappen (Dessain, 1935)
This well-regarded Latin manual is part of a 5-volume Sacra Liturgia set written by a Dutch auxiliary bishop on the sacred liturgy. The book's complete title is: (Tomus V) Caeremoniale seu manuale ad functiones sacras solemnes rite peragendas ad usum alumnorum seminarii archiepiscopalis Mechliniensis, and its last revision was printed in 1935. [Presently available only secondhand]

Manuel de Liturgie et Ceremonial Selon le Rit Romain
Le Vavasseur-Haegy-Stercky (LeCoffre, 1935 and 1940)
2-volume comprehensive set (printed in 1935)
Abridged single volume (1940) for parish use (Ceremonial a l'usage des petites eglises de paroisse)
Authored in French by Fr. Leon-Michel Le Vavasseur to provide the Holy Ghost Fathers with a manual containing strictly Roman practices. It was revised several times, first by Fr. Joseph Haegy and lastly by Fr. Louis Stercky. [Both books reprinted by SSPX's Econe, Switzerland seminary]

Notes on the Rubrics of the Roman Ritual
Rev. James O'Kane (P. O'Shea, 1883)
Though somewhat outdated due to certain revisions to the Roman Ritual, nevertheless, this manual continues to be a good general reference. Includes a Supplement on Penance and Matrimony. [Available only secondhand; available in PDF via Google Books]

Schulte-O'Connell (Benziger, 1956)
The full title of this valuable ritual-manual compiled by A.J. Schulte is: Consecranda: The Rite Observed in Some of the Principal Functions of the Roman Pontifical and the Roman Ritual. It contains many informative diagrams and the Latin ritual texts. The final edition was edited by J.B. O'Connell. [Available only secondhand; available in PDF via Archive.org]

1917 Code of Canon Law
Codex Juris Canonici (Vatican, 1917)
As the main corpus of ecclesiastical law, the 1917 (Pio-Benedictine) Code of Canon was frequently cited by rubricians concerning liturgical matters. Liturgical law is actually a sub-category of Canon Law. [Presently available only secondhand; PDF edition available from Archive.org / HTML version available from Intratext.com]

Church Building and Furnishings: The Church's Way
J.B. O'Connell (University of Notre Dame Press, 1955)
A comprehensive work on church architecture and appointments by a respected liturgical author. [Presently available only secondhand]